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Cory Carnley Discusses Things to Know About Cigar Aging

Cory Carnley

BY Kame

Cory Carnley enjoys smoking cigars and finds that aged cigars provide a higher quality taste, aroma and subtle complexity. Aging is often what makes a good cigar a great one, although, it cannot make much improvement in a low-quality cigar. Here’s what you need to know.

Cigar Aging

Cigars are typically sold several years after being rolled. This aging process is an industry standard and creates better and more consistent cigars. Cigars can also be aged at home to further improve them. Here are a few things you need to know, including any problems you may experience while aging cigars.

Why Should You Age Cigars?

Have you ever enjoyed a good wine that is over 100 years old? Aging helps the taste to mature and deepen. The same is true of cigars. Cory Carnley says aging cigars helps improve the flavor through fermenting various substances throughout the cigar. This aging period lets the cigars breathe and adds extra taste.

How are Cigars Aged?

Various processes can help to age your cigars. For example, they may be placed in a humidor lined with aromatic wood (cedar is very popular) and allowed to age for several years. Typically, the rule is 70/70, keeping them at 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 70% humidity. A specialized humidor can help maintain these rates and ensures that cigars age as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

What Problems May Occur?

Aging is a relatively simple process, but special attention should be given to mold risks. Cory Carnley says that mold is more common in humidors without a cedar lining interior. Without this cedar lining, the lid/door should be opened several times a year to exchange air and minimize mold growth. With a cedar-lined humidor the lid/door does not need to be opened very often.

How Does the Taste Change?

When smoking an aged cigar, you’ll notice quite a few taste changes. First, the flavor will be richer and denser, with a heavier emphasis on the natural grain of tobacco. You may also notice a smoother aroma during smoking, minimizing the unpleasant aftertaste that fresh cigars may leave behind. The longer cigars age, the greater the benefits.

Aging Cigars the Right Way

If you are uncertain about how to age cigars, speak to someone with experience aging cigars, a Certified Tobacconist, or knowledgeable staff at a shop near you. Cory Carnley knows that many high-quality cigar shops include aging equipment, making this process much smoother and easier to execute. You can also handle all of these steps at home, providing the premier aging experience and the cigar taste and aroma you desire.

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